Bean Goods provides unique merchandise for you and your weenie! That’s why I personally love this company. I have dachshunds myself, so I’m in love with everything Bean Goods offers. When I was exploring their website, I noticed they have a blog, but the last time they posted on it was back in 2019. I thought this was a great opportunity to come up with a new series they can refresh and bring back their blog. As a customer exploring their site, when I clicked on their blog and noticed that it wasn’t active anymore, I was bummed. Some of their content in 2019 was fun and engaging with their audience. A new series idea would revitalize the blog and give customers even more doxie content.

Brainstorming Ideas

I wanted to come up with a new series for Bean Goods but didn’t know where to start. So, I surfed the web and looked at other similar company blogs to see what they were talking about. I noticed a lot of them would talk about fun facts, people in the community, and tips for your particular pet. I decided to combine all of these subjects.

I started researching and gathering a bunch of information and fun facts about dachshunds. A weekly fun fact post, with a product feature at the end, seemed like the perfect addition to their existing content. This was a really fun part of the process for me because I already love weenie dogs, so doing this research made me learn even more facts about them that I didn’t know before.

I also used an SEO tool called KW Finder by Mangools to find keywords that would work best for the blog posts I was going to create. Many of them were similar, and the most popular one was “weenie dog”, but it gave me insight on what words I should use to improve the SEO on their posts. With this tool, you can start your search with a keyword, or you can search a domain for its most popular words. I played around with it and used both features, and even plugged in to see what would come up:

These results gave me keywords that I can include in my blog posts/titles to gain more traffic. “Dachshund” was a keyword I found that was popular and easy to use especially for this company. “Doxie” was another keyword that wasn’t too hard to use so that the posts can show up on the first page when you search. So I used those keywords and a couple of other ones to come up with these titles. Click on the linked titles to see the final product!

Here are a couple other title ideas I came up with as well:

Creating The Content

My next step was putting all of the info I found into action. I wanted to make sure the facts were relevant while also interesting and beneficial for their audience. Not only that, but I wanted Bean Goods to benefit from this series as well. Keeping all of those goals in mind, I came up with three blog posts that would be a great starting point for the “weekly weenie facts”. Click here to check out the draft I made for them.

These are posts coming from me, but I wanted them to match the company’s voice as well. They have a bubbly, “punny”, and cheerful attitude in all the copy they have on their website. I didn’t want to veer from that, because then it wouldn’t match the brand and how they present themselves. Here’s a walkthrough video to visually show you this process and how I came up with my blog posts: